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Sparkling golden-rosé not only excites the ladies‘ hearts, blood orange, raspberry sorbet, cranberry soda & pomegranate, exudes an ethereal-menthol freshness & spiciness that amazes, aronia, pink peppercorns, lemon balm & lemon thyme, a pinch of nutmeg, the first sip – at the latest – will turn asphalt cowboys into rosé warriors, a cool kiss from the cherry, a graceful kick from the lime, transparent & dry, sinewy & taut, delicately lined, with a mineral-based and classy-chiseled perlage, dancing on the tongue like fleur de sel crystals, bursting into delicate shades of pink … this is how we like brut(ally puristic) rosé sparkling wine, on ist own, or alongside blinis with crème fraîche & pink trout caviar, or with avocado salmon tartare.